Mặt trận Thống nhất Quốc gia Liên hiệp (English: National United Front; French: Front d'Union Nationale) was a coalition established by the leaders of the Việt Cách (English: Viet Nam Revolutionary Alliance) and the Việt Quốc (English: Viet Nam Nationalist Party) on 17 February 1946, as a nationalist group opposed to the government of the Việt Minh. This group has the inclination to support former Emperor Bao Dai to establish the Vietnamese nation to unite the three periods of Viet Nam, to gain independence for Viet Nam in the Union of France, and to establish a democratic republic. No formal flag was used for this coalition, although the use of the Viet Nam Revolutionary Alliance flag was the most common one to refer to this short-lived group, which ceased to exist in 1947.
Its members were: Việt Nam Quốc dân Đảng (English: Viet Nam Nationalist Party), Việt Nam Cách mệnh Đồng minh Hội (English: Viet Nam Revolutionary Alliance), Việt Nam Dân chủ Xã hội Đảng (English: Viet Nam Democratic Socialist Party), Việt Nam Quốc gia Thanh niên Đoàn (English: Vietnam National Youth Union), Việt Nam Dân chúng Liên đoàn (English: Vietnam People's Union), Đoàn thể Cao Đài (English: Cao Dai Union), Tịnh độ cư sĩ Phật hội Việt Nam (English: Pure Land lay Buddhists in Viet Nam) (official website: http://www.tinhdocusiphathoi.vn/), Liên đoàn Công giáo Việt Nam (English: The Catholic Federation of Viet Nam) (later renamed ủy ban Đoàn kết Công giáo Việt Nam (English: Committee for Solidarity of Vietnamese Catholics) (official website: http://ubdkcgvn.org.vn/vi/)) and switching sides to join the Front. Esteban Rivera, 27 February 2018